Heirs of Discord

Auri, Raen | Garlean
Female (She/Her)
Slightly athletic and growing
Red Mage
Born in Garlemald
--------------------------Daughter of Petrus het Vergilius and Heidrun of Werlyt. Hibernia was sheltered by her father due to the controversy of her birth. Forced to flee after her echo awakened, entering the wider world has opened her eyes to Garlemald's deeds as well as her own ineptitude which she is desperately trying to make up for as an adventurer.N O T E S
♦During Endalker, Hibernia has unleashed herself from her icy tendencies though she still remains more efficient with ice and now lightning magic.
♦She is trained in operatic singing.
♦She picked up a direwolf and named it Oribasos.
♦Possesses a Garlean's third eye despite her biracial status. Allows her greater control during RDM flips.F A M I L Y
♦HEIDRUN BAS VERGILIUS & PETRUS HET VERGILUS Late, legal mother and father. Heidrun was originally a ward of the house and assistant to their research in combating magic. Petrus married her after the passing of his wife but was by all accounts was a loving parent and spouse. Less so Heidrun.
♦MANLIUS LUX VERGILIUS Late paternal uncle. Researcher specializing in ways to combat magic. The one who sponsored Heidrun for his research.
♦TARQUIN & IOVITA Late elder brothers. Despite Hibernia's efforts to get closer to them, Tarquin outright ignored her and Iovita berated her. One fell to tempering and the other fell to the tempered.
♦AGRIPPA BAS VERGILIUS Closest to Hibernia in age and status. Though evidence of his mixed heritage was hidden by his mother and Manlius, it was brought to light as the docking of his pointed ears was Hibernia's first Echo granted vision. The only other survivor of their house, he's taken to following after Hibernia out of guilt.
♦SOLUS ZOS GALVUS If any were to observe Hibernia's features, they'd likely be able to see the similarities between her and the Galvus family; particularly around the nose and eyes. Suspicion might have arisen when Hibernia was born after Heidrun met with the Emperor but Petrus' remarriage and claiming her as his daughter took center stage. Petrus was ever a loyal servant of the Emperor.
Lalafell, Dunesfolk
Male (he/his)
vaguely 500-years-old
2'10", pleasantly pudgy
Follower of Azeyma
Born in Sil'dih
-----------------Twin royals are born to the city-state of Sil'dih; a prince and princess. Though the violence of Sil'dih's downfall would not happen for another century, Ul'dah still regards Sil'dih with venom. So it was that a petrifying curse was cast on the prince. Unable to cure him, they decide to fool the curse with its own logic. Placing the prince in a strange black sarcophagus, freezing him in a slumber so the curse may not touch him until its power has withered away. The twins part tearfully and his sister promises that he will be woken. All things with good intention.Though she dutifully passes on instructions of her brother's awakening to her children, they take her stories as idle fancy and the box is forgotten. Eventually stolen and passed from one hands to the next as an eccentric novelty to display for affluence sake. The box finally settles as its surroundings turn rotten and awful things take roost forcing adventurers to confront them. Mistaken as victor's bounty, the sarcophagus is opened and the prince awakens 400 years after his city has fallen.But of these things he does not speak. Nor speak much at all, rather he'll offer a cup of tea or coffee. Acting as steward to adventurers who saved him. Let the dead rest he thinks and the crown of a lost city-state stay lost with it.In his place stands Hyacinth Veil, a man with no past characterized by his kindness and blind eyes that glimmer like gem stones.N O T E S
♦Hyacinth's vision was fragmented before he entered the box due to the petrifying curse. They are literally partly crystallized.
♦His dancing techniques were actually perfected by his sister.
♦The Sarcophagus is a Mhachi item related to the coffins found in the Void Ark.

THE "Theodore" ADORED
Au ra, Raen
Male (he/his)
Born in Hingashi
-----------------------Born to die. A boy was born the same month as the son of a preeminent figure in their small community in Hingashi. According to tradition that made him this boy's "other half" and both would go into years of spiritual training to prepare them for the ritual that would commence when they came of age.The esoteric arts they were given invoked the powers of the dead to empower themselves. They would be protectors of the boundary between life and death with the heir succeeding his father as the protector of the living world and our subject being consigned to the dead to watch from that side.However, the pair entered into a forbidden relationship and when the day of the ritual arrived the heir took his "other" and made to escape. The subsequent chase and other events ended with the wrong one dead. A path of destruction was wrought by the survivor, his black hair turned white from shock and his powers raging with grief.Leaving Hingashi, the man passes himself as "Theodore" during the day working as an adventurer and exorcist. In darker circles he is infamous as The Adored, an assassin noted for his brutality if you could afford the ever steeper price.

Elezen, Ishgardian
Agender (they/them)
6' thin
Wandering Apparition
---------------------------------An uncertain time in the past, house Durendaire was blessed with a child talented in constructing magitechnical marvels. Unfortunately for them, in that age their family did not see that as something they should pursue and pressed on them responsibilities of the household. The bloody matter of what happened to that Durendaire has been swept under the rug and their existence has been erased from the annals of history.Save the red haired ghost that has been spotted wandering the streets that became known as "Déraciné Roux"Always spotted periodically around the city, it wasn't until Garlemald's push into Eorzea and the arrival of Cid Garlond that Déraciné became more than just a mindless after image. Reaching out to touch the same gadgetry that had given them joy and sorrow in life, their existence is becoming more stable and more troublesome to those who might find their magitech inexplicably rearranged.

Au Ra, Raen
Female (she/her)
5'2", chubby
Newspaper writer
Born in Hingashi
settled in Ul'dahIbuki casts aside any sorrow that might try to cling to her. Ever loved by her Grandmother, she was given solutions to her problems by alchemy and when she came of age she moved to Kugane to pass that same kindness to strangers with the alchemy her grandmother taught her. But this was not her dream.What Ibuki truly wished for was to write about other people's joys so that they might be shared. The rarity in a reporter who wants to write only fluff pieces.Alas, Ibuki also seems to have a tremendous gift in finding trouble wherever she goes. Accidentally tripping over smuggling hidden under charity, fights that (almost) inexplicably break out at the worst times, and even one charged incident that prompted her to travel to Eorzea with a friend (Bukidai) and her paramour (The Burn).Ever bubbly and optimistic (and surprisingly off kilter as one who can deal with these hijinx and remain so must be) Ibuki hopes to deal Ul'dah a dose of happy stories. A place notoriously empty of it.
Even if she has to beat or blow up a few things along the way.

Viera, Veena
Male (He/him)
5'8" muscled
Pugilist, general nuisance
born in the Skatay Range
settled in Ul'dahThis man's childhood was fairly typical of any Viera's and he dearly loved that life and his family. The problem rose when he came of age and he was prompted to leave that life for one of solitude. Though he complied, he could not rid himself of the bitter feelings of resentment and abandonment that haunted him afterward. At the age of sixteen, the boy made the questionable decision to run away from his responsibilities into the Burn.Four years later the boy emerged on the other side, alive and forever changed and so he renamed himself as Viera often do when they leave home after the place that had forged him: The Burn.To say that he has some unresolved issues does not give justice the absolute terror that is The Burn's short temper. After that he battled his way as an ill liked adventurer to Kugane where he'd meet Ibuki; the only person willing and able to deal with him. Inevitably charmed by the kindness she's shown him, he's dutifully followed her as a bodyguard and lover ever since. Taking him all the way to Ul'dah.Using the skills he's picked up from surviving The Burn, he's hoping to become a known fighter at the Colliseum. Alas, it's the fights his temper gets him into outside of the arena that continue to plague him and those around him.

Au Ra, Xaela
Male (He/Him)
6'7" unathletic
Conjurer, Barkeep
Follower of Nhaama
Born on the Steppes
settled in Ul'dah
--------------------------The Iriq Xaela clan are known to follow the Borlaaq to take on their abandoned children to raise them as their own. Bukidai was not one of these boys but his father was and he strived to make sure his son always felt loved.Unfortunately, others who'd come into Bukidai's life were not so well intentioned. Following his first love out of the Steppes all the way to Eorzea, he found himself abandoned without a gil to his name. He avoided a terrible fate by the grace of a stranger who employed him at his tavern "The Dapper Than."A blessing and a curse as Bukidai has found himself embroiled in more trouble than he ever dreamed due to his employer; Moth'ir. Though life was chaotic and he thought he'd leave, when the opportunity presented itself Bukidai returned to Ul'dah with Moth'ir and two new friends (Ibuki & The Burn)After that, Moth'ir started training him as his apprentice proper and he's since taken over The Dapper Than and it's more clandestine charities.

Viera, Veena
Male (he/Him)
400-500 years est.
5'10" unathletic
Sage, biomechanical engineer
Born in Old Sharlayan
-------------------------------Born "Kriemhild" after a heroine in a book his mother fell in love with when she came to Old Sharlayan. Kriemhild, later Grimhilt, was described as emotionless, cold and unsympathetic. In truth, Kriemhild has emotions though he struggles to identify them and they are never particularly deep. Regardless of this and other people's ideas on his future, Grimhilt prioritizes the advancement and happiness of others having long ago logically concluded such things were paramount even if emotionally he lacks.He studied medicine and became a physician and sage to supplement his understanding of healing. When his echo awakened, so came with the ability to perceive other people's emotions. Unable to deal with his own, he retreated to become a recluse and engage in studies away from others.This was how Grimhilt got into biomechanical engineering and became one of its preeminate scholars. Though he deals with everything from his isolation, most are not aware of what he looks like and often mistakes him for a student on his rare sojourns outside his home.N O T E S
♦He is fond of the name Kriemhild but introduces himself as Grimhilt because he dislikes being questioned over it.
♦Anonymously submits various papers and rebuttals on the matter of ethics and philosophy on the side of anti-nihilism and optimism.
♦Adopted a pair of lalafell a century ago. They've both moved and passed on but Grimhilt has great-grandchildren though few of his letters to them in Ul'dah are answered.

Male (he/Him)
40 years
7'1" fit
Flower mage, doctor
New Follower of Menphina
Born in unknown place
ex-Garlean Conscript
-------------------------------Laury's early memories are a hazy mix of his rough Garlean education and fragments of his mother. It was from her that he learned his skills with healing, both practical and magical. Ever in need of combat healers, Garlemald eagerly continued his education and deployed him as a medicus.He opted to stay in the military even as his mandatory twenty years came and passed. Though he has skills enough to be employed as a doctor in Garlemald, he's under no illusion that he would succeed due to prejudices. Nor did he have any real desire to integrate with the great Garlean community. So it is that Laury's entire adult life has been tied up with the military despite his deep hatred of it.When hell broke loose, Laury was a rare commodity in the capital. Because he was insanely busy, his meeting with the Warriors of Light was delayed until well after the fall of the Endsinger. So too was his first vision brought on by the Echo, marking him as one of their number.NOTES
♦Laury's flowers from his conjury magic always comes out in red despite his various attempts at any other color.
♦He's picked up worship of Menphina from the Ilsibard contingent largely as a way to aggravate his Garlean compatriots who can't afford to lose a medic.

Female (She/her)
???? (I'll get back to her age)
???? athletic
ex-Assassin turned adventurer
Born in an unknown place
refugee from Garlemald
-------------------------------One would think an unknown child trained for subterfuge and assassination might hold some animosity toward her captors but Ein is a strange case. Unwanted by her kin, she was more glad to be had and given purpose.Even when her handler was burned, she wasn't tossed but passed on to other things as a valuable tool. She would have happily stayed but when she became heavy with child, she decided it would be better for him to be raised elsewhere.Using her espionage skills to break out of Garlemald and into Eorzea as an adventurer. Though the name she chose for herself; Ein Hygelac, references esoteric things between her and one other. An open invitation for the father of her child to join her. One she suspects he will not accept.NOTES
♦Ein has named her son Ein'a as is traditional for keepers but she is unsure of whether or not she is one. Simply going off her physical traits.
♦Ein'a is half Garlean.
♦Ein remembers her past lives. All her memories are mostly useless though, being of abandonment and desperate and failed attempts to survive.
♦Ein's body has some slight augmentation. Indicated by lines on her skin and a feint glow in her eyes.